Vacancy for Music Director

Job Description

The overarching objectives of the Music Director are to:

  • develop the choir musically;

  • maintain and enhance performance standards;

  • ensure that members’ experiences of rehearsing and performing together are enjoyable and educational and, in so doing, maintain a strong level of membership.

Musical Performance

The Music Director will:

  • prepare the choir for concerts, conducting weekly rehearsals (approximately 40 per season) and public concerts undertaken by the choir (4 per season, or such additional concerts as the Music Director and Committee shall agree);

  • arrange cover for absences as needed, including any absence of the Accompanist, ensuring rehearsals continue as planned;

  • seek to maintain and improve members’ singing technique, musical knowledge and general musical ability through weekly rehearsals;

  • propose and agree with the Committee concert programmes that are costed, varied and stimulating. These should take into account the choir’s musical potential and interests, likely audience popularity, and budget availability. The preparation of concert and associated rehearsal programmes should be completed at least 18 months in advance of the start of a season;

  • give a voice-test to prospective new members in accordance with the entry criteria adopted by the Committee and advised to the Music Director in writing, and similarly to voice-test the choir at regular intervals as requested by the Committee but (save with the Music Director’s consent) no more frequently than every two years.

Operational Support

The Music Director will:

  • contribute to the effective management and leadership of the choir, working in partnership with the Committee, and will:

    • attend Committee meetings (usually four times per year on non-rehearsal evenings) whenever is reasonably possible;

    • liaise with Committee members as required in between meetings; and

    • provide guidance and advice as appropriate on all musical matters including vocal balance.

  • in conjunction with the choir librarian, choose musical editions and suggest sources of copies, giving adequate notice for the librarian to obtain copies of the music before the first rehearsal for a concert;

  • source and contract, subject to agreement with the Committee, soloists and accompanying orchestras or ensembles where required, as appropriate for the choir’s budget. Liaise with the Treasurer to facilitate performance payments;

  • prepare a Music Director’s report for the choir’s Annual General Meeting each September;

  • advise/recommend on the replacement of the choir’s Accompanist as and when this role becomes vacant.

Marketing and Publicity

The Music Director will:

  • assist the choir’s publicity and marketing personnel in the preparation of posters, season brochures and press releases and in the use of social media and dealings with the local press;

  • prepare the content for printed programmes for all concerts, writing programme notes and ensuring that soloist biographies are up-to-date and correct;

  • actively promote the choir e.g. through personal, local and established networks, interviews etc.

Future Development and Direction

The Music Director will:
  • with the Chair and other key Committee members, participate, at least annually, in a review of the choir’s operations, opportunities for development and longer-term vision;
  • work with the Committee to try to extend the choir’s reach to a wider and more diverse range of singers, audience members and supporters;
  • make proposals for the Committee’s approval in relation to commissioning new works, including choice of composers, contracts with publishers/agents and fundraising for commission fees;
  • be available, by agreement, to support the choir in extracurricular activities that are of benefit to the development of the choir such as occasional tours, musical away days and workshops.

The appointment will be for an initial term of three years, subject to a probation period.  The structure of contractual payments will be open for discussion.
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Copyright © 2024 St Albans Choral Society